Gluten Free 101 + my favorite GF products

More and more people are discovering that they are either sensitive, allergic to, or just feel better avoiding gluten. Often, they are overwhelmed when it comes to what to eat and how to still enjoy their favorite (often gluten filled) foods.

Satisfying Snacks to Refuel After Workouts

Satisfying Snacks to Refuel After Workouts

What you eat after your workout can be essential to optimizing recovery, increasing energy, avoiding burnout, and improving overall fitness performance. However, there is so much conflicting information on the internet about the best way to do this. In this post, I'm sharing the science backed basics of how to fuel your body post-workout and easy snacks to help you meet your nutrient needs during this time.

The Truth About How Much Seafood You Really Should be Eating

The Truth About How Much Seafood You Really Should be Eating

Over the years, the recommendation for higher fish consumption has become increasingly emphasized by leading health experts and organizations. In this post we’ll explore how much seafood you really should be eating and share ways you can easily add more seafood to your diet.