digestive health

National Heart Health Month: The Power of Fiber for a Stronger Heart

National Heart Health Month: The Power of Fiber for a Stronger Heart

Heart health is always important, but February gives us a special reminder to take care of our hearts. In honor of National Heart Health Month, I’ll be sharing a sample meal plan to help you incorporate heart-healthy choices into your daily routine. Plus, we’ll dive deeper into my #1 favorite nutrient for heart health—fiber!

Adaptogens to the Rescue

Adaptogens to the Rescue

With a mix of work deadlines, a pandemic, and personal life issues, it seems like it's almost the “norm'' to be stressed. What if there was another effective way to help your body adapt to stress? And all it took was a minute each day to add in?

Postbiotics: the tiny secret to gut health (that no one is talking about)!

Postbiotics: the tiny secret to gut health (that no one is talking about)!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I'm sure you’ve heard how eating foods with probiotics can be beneficial for gut health. And maybe you’ve even read up on how a healthy gut can impact everything - from your skin, to your digestion and even your mood (hello, gut brain axis)! BUT - did you know that there is another contributor to gut health that no one seems to be talking about? Introducing: postbiotics.