disease prevention

Postbiotics: the tiny secret to gut health (that no one is talking about)!

Postbiotics: the tiny secret to gut health (that no one is talking about)!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I'm sure you’ve heard how eating foods with probiotics can be beneficial for gut health. And maybe you’ve even read up on how a healthy gut can impact everything - from your skin, to your digestion and even your mood (hello, gut brain axis)! BUT - did you know that there is another contributor to gut health that no one seems to be talking about? Introducing: postbiotics.

Astaxanthin: the antioxidant you NEED to know about!

Astaxanthin: the antioxidant you NEED to know about!

We all hear about the benefits of antioxidants, but what are they really?! Generally speaking, antioxidants include some vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients “aka plant chemicals”. These compounds help to stop cell and DNA damage, thus slowing down aging, fighting off disease, and boosting immune function. Today we are digging deep into one specific antioxidant called Astaxanthin.