fruit and veggies

5 Facts To Know Before Produce Shopping

5 Facts To Know Before Produce Shopping

After my visit to the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) farm and my experience working with dozens of clients who struggle to increase their produce intake, I realized it was time to create a post to clear up the confusion surrounding produce! Many people become overwhelmed with choices like organic vs. conventional or fresh vs. frozen, and as a result, they end up not consuming enough fruits and vegetables. In this eye-opening blog, we'll uncover five essential facts that will change the way you approach your next trip to the grocery store's produce section.

National Fruits & Veggies Meal Plan with 5 Blueberry Inspired Meals and Snacks

National Fruits & Veggies Meal Plan with 5 Blueberry Inspired Meals and Snacks

National Fruits & Veggies Month (NFVM) is one of my favorite ways to kick off fall, because it’s an annual celebration of everyone’s favorite and flavorful plants – fruits and veggies! As a private practice dietitian and the author of Eat Your Vitamins, one of the things I prioritize the most when helping my clients reach their health goals is emphasizing the power of nutrients from whole food sources. This is why, for National Fruits & Veggies Month, we are highlighting one of my favorite nutrient dense fruits: blueberries.