grocery shopping

5 Facts To Know Before Produce Shopping

5 Facts To Know Before Produce Shopping

After my visit to the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) farm and my experience working with dozens of clients who struggle to increase their produce intake, I realized it was time to create a post to clear up the confusion surrounding produce! Many people become overwhelmed with choices like organic vs. conventional or fresh vs. frozen, and as a result, they end up not consuming enough fruits and vegetables. In this eye-opening blog, we'll uncover five essential facts that will change the way you approach your next trip to the grocery store's produce section.

How to Spot a Healthy Protein Bar

How to Spot a Healthy Protein Bar

Do you ever walk down the bar aisle in the grocery store and feel instantly overwhelmed? You aren’t alone. There are so many choices and knowing which is the “best” can feel confusing. In this post I'm going to share some key nutrients to look out for (and what to avoid) when searching for a protein bar. I’ll also share my favorite bar recommendation at the end!