Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis. It occurs when high levels of uric acid in the blood form urate crystals, which become trapped around the joints causing inflammation and severe pain. There are many risk factors for gout, some of which are unavoidable, such as being male and over the age of thirty, or having a genetic tendency toward developing the condition. However, there are plenty of positive lifestyle changes you can make to decrease your chances of getting gout. Here are some of the main ways you can reduce your risk.


As with many health conditions, diet plays a key role in balancing the chances of developing gout. This is because uric acid is released from foods that contain a high level of purines as they are digested. It is primarily the kidneys' role to eliminate uric acid from your blood, but they can struggle to do so if you are overweight or have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other problems with your kidneys.

Even without these health conditions, eating or drinking too many foods with high purine levels can strain your kidneys and eventually make it difficult for them to effectively remove uric acid, resulting in gout. The biggest culprits for this are alcohol, especially beer and spirits, as well as red meats, organ meats and seafood. Despite not being high in purines, one study showed that consuming high levels of fructose increased the risk of developing gout by 62%. This is because it raises the levels of uric acid in the blood via different cellular processes.

There are many healthy foods which can reduce blood uric acid levels, such as low-fat dairy products, soy products and fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C. By eating a healthy balanced diet which avoids sugars, sodium and saturated fats and includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and pulses, you will definitely help to reduce your chances of developing gout. Remember to consume meat and seafood in moderation, limiting your intake to a few small servings per week.


Staying hydrated is really important if you suffer with gout, but it is also a great way to increase your overall health and in turn reduce your risk of developing this condition. Water helps your kidneys function efficiently, enabling them to remove waste products (including uric acid) from your bloodstream and turn it into urine. Being dehydrated prevents your blood vessels from being properly dilated, which means there is a higher chance for any urate crystals to become lodged in your joints.


Scientists have discovered that fat holds more uric acid than muscle, so by improving your body composition you would naturally lower your risk of getting gout, as well as a whole host of other health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiac diseases. Including exercise into your daily routine can be as simple as going for a brisk walk for thirty minutes, or for a more intense workout you could head to the gym a few times a week for some cardio and strength building exercises.


Even if you do get gout eventually, there are many ways in which you can manage this condition both with lifestyle changes and also medication. Hopefully these healthy lifestyle changes will help you to reduce your risk of developing gout and improve your general health.